Core Capital Investments

Through the Core Capital investment portfolio, we are committed to ensuring a sound financial foundation for the owner family’s activities via Equity investments, Real Estate and Fixed Income investments.

The investment approach is based on the belief that companies that act long-term and responsibly are also the ones that are sustainable and value-creating over time.

Long-term Equity Ownership

It is a priority for the KIRKBI Group to grow the long-term equity ownership with an aim of owning significant minority stakes of high-quality companies with a long-term potential for growth and value creation.

A part of KIRKBI’s investment strategy is focused on active ownership of significant minority stakes in high quality companies with a long-term potential for value creation. KIRKBI has a strategy of being represented on the boards of the companies we are owners of within long-term equity in order to be a strong owner and support the companies in relation to their long-term growth and ongoing development.

KIRKBI's portfolio of long-term equity investments is comprised by: Falck A/S (27.9%), ISS (4.1%), Nilfisk (20.3%), Välinge (48.6%), Landis+Gyr (7.7%), and Armacell (45.0%). 

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Real Estate Investments

In KIRKBI, we believe in value creation through a long-term focus, and thus, a growing real estate footprint is a strategic choice.

The main objective of KIRKBI’s Real Estate portfolio is to provide long-term stable returns through sound and high-quality properties as well as by looking at redevelopment opportunities with a high sustainability and long-term value potential, mainly in the office sector.

KIRKBI currently has a portfolio of 27 Real Estate capital investments comprising more than 300,000 square metres.

Quoted Equity and Fixed Income

KIRKBIs investments in Quoted Equity and Fixed income, provides for flexible and scalable investments with a high ESG and responsibly threshold.

Quoted equities consist of developed and emerging market investments with focus on value and GARP (growth at a reasonable price) type investments.

Fixed income includes

  • Liquid bonds (e.g. government and European mortgage bonds)
  • Corporate debt
  • Other debt (e.g. high yield or emerging market)
  • Long-term fixed income (e.g. mezzanine or direct lending)

The portfolio is managed largely internally and supplemented by selected partners.

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Venture investments

As part of its Ventures activity, KIRKBI invests in specialist venture capital managers who are active across all stages in Digital Play and Digital Learning.

KIRKBI also makes direct investments at the Growth Stage, focusing on high-growth companies within Digital Play and Digital Learning as part of its strategy.

The focus of KIRKBI’s venture capital activity is to drive attractive financial risk-adjusted returns while also capturing knowledge and insights from exposure to the asset class and building strong relationships with partners in the space.